Friday, June 8, 2007

Kitton = practice baby

Sorry Kitton---poor thing. She makes such a good practice baby. We got this free onsey in the mail from our insurance company---so NATURALLY we put it on our cat for fun. She was a good sport. She purred the whole time. What added to the comedy is that she WOULD NOT walk around in it. Once I put her down, she would only roll around on the floor. Funny.

NOTE:: Though Bryce is not seen in these photos---he WAS an active participant. :) I'm not the only crazy in the house.


Unknown said...

Wow, poor kitty. You know the ones that sit there and take it and don't complain are the ones you need to watch the most. One night this kitty is going to jump on you while sleeping and claw at you until it feels vengeance was served. Good thing it doesn't know you are sharing its humiliation with the whole cyber world...hehehe. Wow, and on top of that a baby is coming! I can't wait to see the him, but you know what they say about babies. The prettier the parents the uglier the child and vice versa, well I hope that is not the case here, otherwise you guys will have one ugly Only kidding, I have a terrible headache and have been in a grumpy mood all day, seeing your blog has really cheered me up, but my mood explains my terrible humor at the moment! I hope all goes well and when the time comes to name the baby, I always thought Kenneth was a handsome name, or Kennita in case of a girl. Take care and Reece sends his best as well!

Gros Bisous,


Chris said...

It's always wise to have a practice baby. Especially one with claws. Although, I have heard that newborn babies have both claws and horns...

Ps. Welcome to the wide world of blogging!

Katie Kosinski said...

I think I saw Petite Kitton last Thursday, at a party. What's going on over there?!
(miss you guys)