Thursday, September 27, 2007

"God Save the Swing"....

Bryce and I have been struggling with this cold/sinus infection thing. Needless to say---we have not wanted to pass it on to The Boy. So we had to come up with some way of pacifying him at times without too much holding time.
So I bought a swing....and MAGIC!!!

He loves it. Oliver is still so serious---he hasn't really crackec his first intentional smile. He smiles in his sleep and sometimes you can get him to do this open mouth-type-grin. The swing makes him come really close to smiling. He just swings and waves his arms wildly.
May we never run out of batteries. :)


Teri said...

He is so adorable!! I'm so sorry you are both sick though! I wish we were there to help! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! He is just so dang cute. my kids never liked the swing.. you are lucky that you have a swing lover!

Amy said...

I can't believe how big Oliver is. He is so cute. I hope you all feel better soon! Let me know if I can help. Do you have a Soup Kitchen down there? Soup cures all. I hope to see you all soon again.

Anonymous said...

Bryce Jr. is so cute! I just want to get his sugar! Can't wait to meet him!!