Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun Oliver Pics...

Our sweet friend Julie came down to meet Oliver. It was a riot.
Here is Oliver, asleep in his swing. All I can say is look at those

This was so funny. Oliver could not get enough of nuzzle-ing down into Julie's chest. He would dig in his legs and just NUZZLE.... He loved her softness. It was so sweet.

Sweet Crit kissing the cheeks---its hard not to.

My two favorite men.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

So sweet! I just can't get over his chubbiness. I think I remember Julie. I think she was with a guy who I worked with at Great Harvest. Ask Bryce. Now I'm really curious. Your blog is great. it's so fun to see pictures of the family. And Oliver... just wanna pinch those chubby cheeks! -bethany