Friday, November 16, 2007

Miss Me????

So, perhaps you have noticed that my postings have slowed a bit. Well, I started back AT WORK!!!! Yep. And I turned THIRTY. Yep. I don't know which was more traumatic. :)
Seriously, I did start back work and turn 30 on the same bless-ed day: November 12. I had no problem with the turning 30 thing---but the work starting. ...that's a different story. It's just a bit stress-full adn a bit less enjoy-full. However, I am confident that the two will settle down and I will both stree less and enjoy more as I adjust.

I got back from my first day of work to find my baby fed and healthy and happier than ever. Bryce is a better "Mom" than I could ever be. In the past week Oliver has:
-had more tummy time than I ever gave him....
-practiced more eye coordination than I ever did with him (with the black and white shapes)...--
-listened to more classical music...
-went on more walks...
-etc. etc. etc.....
Oliver is a lucky little man. :) Check him out....

So---work will calm, baby will grow and we will be fine. It was just an event-full week.

I promise to be a better blogger in the future (when Oliver is 16....)



Bethany said...

Yum! your cake looks delicious and so does your baby! hehe. I knew your blogging would slow immensely when you were home from vacation. I always enjoy it, so keep it up. You look radiant at age 30!

Teri said...

Happy birthday!! I hope it was fabulous. I can't believe those cheeks! They just keep getting bigger!

Laura Horne said...

Happy birthday! Seriously, gorgeous at 30. I wish I looked that good at 18.

Happy return to Sundance too. You know you love the place, and that makes all the junk worth it.

I called you better call me back.

Emy W. said...

No better way to celebrate 30 than chocolate ganache, I say! Happy birthday!! I second Laura's thought- you look radiant.

I promise to be less of a lurker and more of a commenter! And I didn't rip off your layout, I swear! :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope they had a cake & everything for you at work--they better have!!! Back to the grind, huh? Had to happen sometime I guess!

Ashley said...

It gets easier, I promise. It is a transition that takes a bit to get used to.

Hang in there!

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!!!!

Karima said...

Going back to work on your brithday? Seriously.
You look great...and despite the fact that work calls, you look very happy too.