Monday, November 17, 2008

Catching up on things...

FIRST, I need to explain something: Something is up with blogger. It has been posting my pictures in RANDOM orders. I've been fighting it for hours each time I try to post and have decided to just give up. I am going with the random order. I hope you enjoy the randomness.

So I am WAy behind on posting something VERY important!

After being without a full bathroom for over a month, we finally finished it! (a few weeks ago) and it was WELL worth the wait. Check it out:

Here is Oliver decked out in his winter gear. He looks so grown up.

I cannot believe I do not have more photos of this past weekend. My brother Arthur, wife Lori and kids Savannah and Jacob came to visit us for the weekend. We had such a great time.

Jacob and Savannah are so much fun and they really bonded with Oliver. Savannah just played and played with him. Jacob was the most fun to just talk to. He has the best perspective on things. We just love them.

Oliver had his 15 month shots today. It was so sad. I had stayed home sick from work (fighting a bad cold), so I as there to hold his little hand. His check up went well. He has actually lost weight from his last visit. Strange. He was such a fat boy for so long. They are not worried, but just want us to watch him. He's still unusually tall and has a big head to match his big body. Here he is sporting his band-aid.

He is doing the sign for "hurt".

Here are some more of the fabulous bathroom pictures.

It is so perfect. .


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your new bathroom - it's pretty darn fancy if you ask me! I felt bad for Oliver, but the picture of him smiling and showing off his band-aid was adorable!

Laura Horne said...

That bathroom is gorgeous! I have to agree with you...its perfect. Oliver is pretty great too.

Rebecca said...

Hooray for a bathroom! I can't believe you posted about your bathroom and NOT your EIGHT YEAR ANNIVERSARY...that is funny. Shows you how important a bathroom really is--and I would know :)

Emy W. said...

Susan, it's beautiful!!! The tile, the fixtures... everything is perfect!!

Yeah, your sweet little boy is perfect, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - it looks amazing! Congratulations. Hope you are feeling better. Let me know if you need anything. xoxo.

Teri said...

Your bathroom looks great! I can't wait to come see if for myself!! :) Oliver looks so cute (as always!) and I can't wait to see him (you guys, of course!) again soon!

Bethany said...

i was going to ask how your bathroom renovation was coming. it looks fantastic! Great job!

Blogger has been messing up my pictures too and it's so frustrating.

Oliver is as cute as ever and does look so grown up.

Lisa said...

LOVE the bathroom! Good job folks! I kind of want to use it now:)

Oliver is so sweet! love him!!