Sunday, October 21, 2007

Best Uncle Ever....

I mean no offense to Oliver's other amazing Uncles, but Daniel is the best one. He is so funny. It is not that he offers to help with Oliver at all, because it doesn't, but I have been getting a kick out of asking him to do things for him.
Here is Daniel preparing Oliver's bottles. He took it so seriously and was so careful to get the measurements exact.

Here is Daniel putting on Oliver's sleeper. When Daniel was putting Oliver's hands through the sleeves, he kept saying " himself". He did really well.

Oliver knew that he was in good hands.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, you guys look like you are having a great time. Enjoy your trip and the nice weather! We will miss you this weekend and I'll see you soon. Oliver is looks beautiful and these pictures. I can't believe he can already hold his head up. What a sweetie!