Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fun at Grandma's House in the Mountains...

We went up to the mountains of North Carolina today---where my Dad grew up and my Grandma still lives. We have 40 acres of BEAUTIFUL land there. You can kind of see it here.
Daniel, of course, got all dressed up for the walk we took. He played his chanter as we walked. He's all about atmosphere.

This is the apple building on our property. Apples were the way my Dad's family made money his whole life. It was really cool to see how they were sorted and stored, etc.

Here is the smile...Oliver is finally figuring it out. It is so enchanting.

This is our four generation picture with Oliver, Me, my Dad and my Grandma.

I am not sure if you all will find this as incredibly funny as Bryce and I did---

We decided what Oliver will be for halloween. Whenever you put a sheet over him, his little arms go straigh out and start moving JUST like a scary ghost. Poor Oliver. We kept doing this to him and just LAUGHING. He didn't seem to mind too much.


Bethany said...

He smiles! He just gets more and more adorable. The land in NC is beautiful and how wonderful that it's in the family still. Enjoy your trip!

Robyn said...

Love the pics! Sweet little scary ghost! The picture of Oliver and Bryce smiling.... is absolutly DARLING!! I want a copy!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the smiling Oliver made me smile! He's so cute!

Amy said...

There's nothing more amazing than your baby smiling. Oliver's smile is contagious. Rheda and I couldn't stop smiling after seeing his darling turned up lips. What a doll! I'm glad you are having a great time. Travel safely!

Jones said...

Ok. This last post has two of my favorite pictures. I know people love to ooh and aah over pics of Oliver smiling (which are adorable and deserve all the o's and a's and then some) but I think for me the expression he is sporting in the pic either just before you put the sheet over him or just after you pull it off is truly one of my favorites. He's either up to something or knows something no one else does. I cant even begin to describe what the pic of Daniel playing his chanter with all of his complimenting attire does to me. He is definitely the coolest guy I know. I MISS you Daniel!!

Laura Horne said...

I want to go on a special walk with Daniel and his atmosphere.

I like the smile too.