Wednesday, October 17, 2007


We took Oliver for his first shots yesterday. It was very traumatic....for me. He did great. Bryce and I were both there for support. Or I should say---Oliver and Bryce were there to support me. I was so nervous.
They gave him four shots. Two in one leg, two in the other. Oliver just sat there for the first three, but by the fourth one---he was DONE. He let out the loudest cry of his short little life. I picked him up and held him and he stopped crying right away. He sems to be fine now.

By the way---he weighs 14.5 pounds. He is in the 95 percentile for both height and weight.
Yep---we are raising a tank. A very cute tank.


Ashley said...

I always hated getting their shots. I'm glad he's doing ok.

He is so cute; I love his cheeks!

Laura Horne said...

Amos needs to meet the tank still!

I feel your pain...I almost died when Blueberry Horne got a shot, I cannot imagine Amos'.