Friday, August 31, 2007

Oliver's first bath...

Here are Oliver's cute LONG feet.

This is Oliver in his first real bath. He had had sponge baths before this point.

He LOVES the water.

The bath seemed to have a sedative affect on sweet Oliver.

He was so tired afterward. I'll have to remember this.


Teri said...

Oliver is so adorable! He's changed so much since we were there! I'm so glad you're doing better! We love all three of you!! Post as many pictures as possible! :)

Bethany said...

nice strategically placed wash cloth! baths are so great. nice binkie too! i spent a lot of time staring at my kid too and wondering... would I be able to tell if he was funny looking or am I jaded because I am his mom? you shouldn't wonder that, Oliver is a nice, chubby, beauty! -bethany