Sunday, September 9, 2007

Horseback riding with the family...

We met Robyn, Ryan, Jack and Zoe at Sundance for Sunday brunch. Zoe and Jack really got a kick out of helping me feed Oliver. They were so careful and sweet. I told them it was good practice for them---since they have a little sister (or brother) on the way.

Here is beautiful Robyn with Oliver---we are so excited for her little baby-in-the-belly. Oliver and "the baby" will be so close in age. B.F.F's for sure.

There's nothing like a little child labor. We put jack to work scooping up horse poo.

He loved it.

Ryan, feeding an apple to one of the horses. We were celebrating Ryan's 35th birthday, by the way. Happy Birthday--Ryan! We love you! You are such an amazing brother and friend.

Jack---carrying Zoe around. He is going to be so helpful to the new baby. So cute.

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