Sunday, September 16, 2007

Medical Bills...

So, I promise not to use my blog as a soap box "too often".
However, as the medical bills have started to roll in, I have to say:

Here are two of my favorite bills. There is a STACK of these and they come in every day. I knew that we were in trouble when the bills started arriving in BIG envelopes instead of normal ones---because they were too thick to fold.

Because we have insurance, we will only have to pay a reletively small yearly deductable of about $4,000 total. Without insurance I alone am currently over $100,000 in bills.

It is sad that things have gotten so out of control with our health care system. Nevertheless---it is what it is and you HAVE to get health insurance if you done have it.

Okay--off the soap box. :)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

wow! that is crazy. I thought $10K was bad for the 4 days my son was in the hospital. That's nothing. Thank goodness for insurance.