Saturday, December 15, 2007

Two Big announcements...

So, it has happened. Right under our noses (or Oliver's nose, anyway)---Oliver has gone and grown his FIRST TOOTH. I know, what you are thinking---he's not old enough yet! Well that's what I told him. No more of this thinking he is older than he is business. It has got to stop. He has GOT to slow down. I am not ready---nor do I think I can handle this trend if it continues into his teenage years.
So his favorite thing in the world to do is feel it with his fingers. It is like he is so proud of it. I am sure that his finger sooth it as well. He has not been particularly more fussy than normal. Though he has had a few of his first inconsolable melt downs. Fun. So glad he figured out how to do that.

We will try to get a shot of the tooth. Right now it is IMPOSIBLE. Just looking at it includes us sticking our fingers in his mouth and making him mad. We tried to get a shot of it above and he refused to open up. Still---very cute, though.

This is just another shot of our happy morning baby. So sweet.

Okay---on to the GDiapers. I know everyone is dying to know how they are working out. Well, they came yesterday---so our experience is short, but here are some of our impressions:

1. They are easy to use. I was worried that the stop of adding the liners in with each change would be a pain, but it isn't.

2. They have leaked. Only once. We have concluded that you cannot go as long with a wet diaper as you could with "normal" diapers. They do not hold AS MUCH fluid. No worries. We'll just change him more often. It keeps everything else in just fine, we just went too long.

3. The fit is just "okay". They only come in small, medium and large. Oliver is a Medium, but they fit kind of big on him---in the sense that they are BULKY. His pants look kind of funny on him because of the bulge created by the g-diaper and all of its parts. The G-diaper alone is quite cute on him, as you can see.

4. They are really fulshable. The liners are easy to flush, even in our old home with old plumbing and a poor toilet---they go down just fine.

So, at this point, we are going to stick with them. We will not use them exclusively. We are still going to use "normal" diapers from time to time (particularly at night). Even with our partial use, we feel like it is making a difference and we feel good about that. It really does bother us, when you get to thinking about it, that diapers are so horrible for the environment.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I LOVE that kids hair!