Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First food...

So, today we had Oliver's 6 month Dr.'s appointment. Besides the shots, which were highly traumatic---it was nice. Oliver weighed in at 21 pounds 5 ounzes--and was officially delcared a big healthy boy, once again.
The big news came when we were told that it would be okay to introduce Oliver to some solid foods at this point. WHAT???? We were so excited. Oliver has been leaping (in his own way) for our food for weeks now. He is so ready for food.
So, first things first. We bought him a high chair. Here he is in it for the first time.

We prepared his first meal of organic brown rice cereal with such care and brought it over to him. He was SOOO in to eating. We have video, but I have not been able to upload it. :( I am not sure what was more entertaining:
Oliver enjoying food for the first time
~ OR ~
Bryce coming to terms (or not coming to terms) with how messy this whole eathing this was going to be.

Needless to say...eating was a sucesss. It's a whole new world.


Robyn said...

So glad he liked the cereal. For some reason I'm not surprised. Looks like the transition to food is going to be a breeze. Lucky you. Have you ever seen a smile so infectious? He is beautiful!!

Bethany said...

oh, i love the picture where he is trying to get the spoon in his mouth. that's great he loved his rice cereal! my kids hated it at first. keep feeding that boy!

Hayley said...

yeah oliver! Fisher loves peas you should try them and tell Bryce the
Gerber zwieback toast aren't very messy and last a long time, "great for lil' ones learning to self feed" also a Fisher fav. much love.