Saturday, February 9, 2008

Random fun pics...

So here are just some good pictures from the past few days.
This first one was taken by Bryce in the middle of the night. You can see here that Oliver has his fat little legs crossed and on his monkey. He even dominates the monkey doll in his sleep. Take that.

Here is Oliver after one of our many walk-abouts.

So I need a little help here. IS Oliver too big for his swing? I don't know how you are supposed to tell. He still loves it so much and sleeps in it really well.

However, has it become unsafe???? He looks a bit big in it. Any suggestions?


Bethany said...

that kid is so stinkin' good looking and so chubby, i just can't get over it. how does he cross those chubby legs? i say if he isn't propelling himself out of his swing, then still use it. it probably does have a maximum weight thing though. i love it when you post on your blog!

Anonymous said...

I think he still is okay to ride in the swing. I would worry if he was like, overflowing in it, or if it broke :) What a cutie! I just want to get his SUGAR!