Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sick baby...

Here is our sick baby boy:
LONG story short, he has croup---which is baby talk for a bad cold. It has been so sad to see him cough and cough and COUGH. His voice is hoarse (which is actually incredibly cute). He sounds like the "red-rum" kid from "The Shining". It's very cute.

We've done everything (including, but not limited to):
saline drops
steamy bath(s)
holding, lots and lots of holding
Take him outside to breath the cold air (see below):

I have had several mothers and fathers tell me how it is embarassing to admit that there is something nice when your baby is just mildly sick. They need you so much and they are so cuddly. Well, I can totally see where they are coming from. Oliver will be fine. He is totally sweet and cuddly.
Don't get me wrong. We've been up for two nights straight (so far) and he is definately more fussy at times---but he is also so tender and sweet.
Get better baby.


Laura Horne said...

Oh, he is so sweet! It breaks my heart to see his sad little face. I just want to hug him better.

I've heard you have been sick too? Bleh.

Emy W. said...

Oh, sweet Oliver! You can just see it in his little eyes. I love cuddlers- I hope that he gets better soon but still keeps on cuddlin'.

BTW, I really miss you.

Robyn said...

Oh baby! You can see how sick he is in his sweet eyes. :-( Keep up the good loves. Get better soon Oliver!

Jasmine said...

sweet baby boy! get better soon. love ya!

Grandma Bunny said...

Hi Susie, Bryce and Oliver- I miss you guys! Just catching up on your blog tonight while baby sitting my 3 little grandaughters in Colo. Oliver-you look like a shrinky dink of your Dad!(That's an old toy from the 70's)and Bryce, you must be congratulated for surviving this hellacious winter with a baby who is obviously thriving under your care. I have stopped by to see you a few times Susan, but you must be working hard for the money because you're never there. Loved your thoughts about love- I feel the same way only I was much older when the light bulb went on. There is an artist by the name of Brian Andreas who says it almost as sweetly as you-"I sometimes wake in the early morning and listen to the soft breathing of my children and I think to myself-This is one thing I'll never regret and I carry that quiet with me all day long." Love is the answer! Sending mine to you and yours.