Monday, March 17, 2008

Too little...

Well, it is official. Oliver is crawling. I hate it. This has come too soon. He is growing too fast. He, on the other hand, LOVES it. He is everywhere.
Today Bryce took Oliver for a walk to our local park. He put him in the kiddy swing and this is what he looked like:

With all of the growing up he is doing, it is good to see him be too small for something.

Slow down, sweet Oliver. Mommy needs more time.


Teri said...

I'm so happy and sad for you, all at the same time!! However, Oliver is precious in that swing!!

Bethany said...

HOLY COW! The pictures in the swing seriously made me crack up! That kid is so funny! I just love the faces he pulls and his chubby body! doesn't the time pass so quickly? I can't believe he is crawling. take lots of pictures. it's easy to forget things.

Anonymous said...

Precious kid. It is so hard to see them grow up so fast. I would say it gets easier, but it doesn't. But each stage is so amazing that you get so excited. Love his chubby cheeks, super kissable. Hope to see you soon.